by: Claudia Beltran Cruz
Cancun has many monuments that are within our reach, we see every day in our daily lives, but surely few times we put attention. Actually, there are some very popular monuments, but nevertheless do not know their real names, but we know them for their "popular names". These have both artistic monuments as historical and cultural value and are important representations of our community.
Actually you may not know that there exists a decree that talks about these monuments, which is: "Order No. 127 published in the Official Gazette of the State Government in November 1995, about Law on the protection, conservation and restoration of heritage, historical, cultural and artistic state of Quintana Roo Article 23 mentions that cultural monuments are expressing characteristics, customs and traditions of the people and the art works will be those that provide aesthetic value and reflecting human creativity. "
Now take on a small tour of our monuments, which are available to our citizens.
Do you know this place?, probably not it you know but is familiar location, This is the (“Monumento por la cumbre Norte-Sur” popularly named insectronic) It was a monument built with geometric forms so that lookS like a pyramid and as high were the flags of the countries participating in the "summit" lamentably for the arrival of Hurricane Gilbert this was reduced to a point map emptied by having a structure deteriorated by lack of maintenance.
Do you find the similarity to the previous monument? Once the Monument “la cumbre Norte-Sur” was removed, an empty spot on the map was left, that's when the government decided to launch a contest where they had to make the design for a new monument. New Yorker won the contest, Lorraine Pinto, with this monument whose original name is: “Fantasía caribeña”, popularly known as “El ceviche”.
Nowadays it is the best known monument of Cancun and is located on the glorieta forming the Tulum-Coba avenue and the Kukulcan Boulevard, Look at the beauty of our monuments.

This is one of the most famous landmarks in Cancun, we've all ever happened around here and we have ever seen, this is the "Monument to the history of Mexico" (“moNumento a la historia de México”) which it is a commemoration of the stages of the country where we see historical figures such as Benito Juarez, Lazaro Cardenas, Miguel Hidalgo, etc. including very important phrases. It is also popularly known as "la licuadora" (The mixer) and is located on the glorieta forming Uxmal and Tulum Avenues.

Adding most popular monuments is the monument to Jose Marti which is made in honor to the Cuban poet. It can be found in the median of Kukulcan Boulevard, between Tulum and Bonampak Avenues. Curiously appears to be a banana, That is why it is more common to be called by the name of "Banana Monument" (“Monumento al Plátano”.) We invite you to go through this place and take time to observe this artwork and read the beautiful poems engraved quotations from José Martí.

The Kukulcan source is a representative and symbolic beauty, is the most emblematic sources of Cancun, a clear representation of our beloved "Plumed Serpent". Kukulcan is fairly representative of the culture; you only need to see the famous and so beautiful descent of the feathered serpent in Chichen Itza at each equinox.
This source has 6 heads of Kukulcan (Imitation of snakes Chichen Itza) forming a circle. If you want to visit, this is on the boulevard with the same name, marking the entrance to the Hotel Zone. Undoubtedly worth visiting this place, and at night this work art is best seen.
Certainly worth sitting one day and see this fountain at night to witness a play of light and water hovering source.
The monuments to the Mother, is a monument that is located at the roundabout that forms the intersection of Tulum and Chichen Itza avenues in central Cancun.
It is actually the second of its kind, this sculpture unlike the first monument to Mother that exists in Cancún, uses a more realistic and natural style, where you can appreciate the human figure.
This beautiful monument bears an inscription with the following motto: "You share my joy and you console my tears, because of this and a thousand other things Mommy love you so!" This motto is beautiful, reminds us that throughout our lives, always a mother for us. It would be nice one day you can give this place a visit and get to reflect on this artwork
This is the first monument to Mother, possibly already have seen it ever since this is in a busy place in Cancun, it IS located at the roundabout forming Yaxchilan and Sunyaxchen avenues in the center of Cancun.
This monument, unlike thaT already mentioned previously is a partner, a man (blue) with the pregnant woman (white). You may also notice the man embraces the woman and touches her belly, showing affection and love they have both to the unborn child.
In this artwork Another name is attributed "the roll" by the resemblance to this. Did you know it by this name?
If you live in Cancun, we recommend you to visit these places, definitely beautiful and represent our identity as cancunenses.
Most of the monuments we have in Cancun have a popular name by which they are known, it is important to know their real names because they show us their true origin and its purpose.
Good night Claudia:
ResponderBorrarThank you for posting your translation. I know it has not been easy for you this thing of the English language, however, you have made a great effort to do your best. Please go on improving your abilities in English.
You could be a good teacher of English!!! =)
Hope you enjoy your holidays surrounded by your beloved family.
Best wishes
Mrs. Zetina
7 points