Conoce más acerca del Patrimonio Cultural en este blog

viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2015

Reasons and introduction to the blog

by: Karla Sofía Barroso Zaragoza

UNARME (Universo Artístico de México; in English, Mexico’s Artistical Universe) is a blog which has been created to promote and preserve the cultural heritage of our country; however its purpose is just promoting cultural knowledge (from our country, Mexico) among Mexican people to get a society able to appreciate it because we must know well something before respecting it.

“And I can fight only for something that I love, love only what I respect, and respect only what I at least know.” – Adolf Hitler

Before we start the tour in this blog, it is necessary to answer the next question: “What is cultural heritage?” Cultural heritage is a set of things that we have done and reflect us (…) through the time. It is a set of properties that we inherit, belong to all of us and it is our duty to preserve it as well as enrich it to future generations. (…) In cultural heritage there are tangible and intangible properties: Intangible properties are the ones that don’t have a physical presence, such as oral traditions, stories, legends, folk dance, etc. On the other hand, tangible properties are material objects such as buildings and archaeological zones.

In easier words, cultural heritage is everything that has been preserved for a long time to future generations and represents us all around the world.

This blog includes a dynamic game which tests your knowledge. Also we can find some comments about different perspectives that people have about what cultural heritage means for them. 

From this point, we will take on to delight your sight with some interesting things that show us how is to be part of a place, how is to be a Mexican. 

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