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viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2015

Symbols that represent Quintana Roo

by: Guadalupe Escamilla Godecke

Inspite of everything, Cancún has its cultural heritage (eventhough there aren’t a lot). We will let you try a little bit of what the municipality that saw us grew has to offer.

Quintana Roo’s emblem.
Who hasn’t ever seen this emblem? If we go very far backward in our childhood memories, we can remember when we made this emblema at school with things like beans,rice, lentils, etc…

One of the most representative symbols of Quintana Roo, this emblem give us our identity, it’s a representation of what our state means to us, from the trees that represent the richness of the Quintana Roo forest, continuing with the conch or the Mayan glyph which talks about our origins, the blue and the star that represents our oceans and how we reach up to new goals and for last the sun, which represents our 10 states that exist in our country.

This simple flower is called “Ciricote” and is a representative flower of our state, since it represented the way Quintana Roo keeps on forming an identity looking for new cultural and historical elements that make the state different to other states.

Although it is a young state, it doesn’t have a typical dish in order to place it on a national level, little by little gastronomy would improve and incorporate new delicious dishes.
One of these is “Tamalitos quintanarroenses”, they look delicious, aren't you hungry?

Regional suits:

Regional chiclera suit. (often used in the Quintana Roo Folk )

Typical indigenous suit.

Suit of Chetumal.

Zazil Há (Contemporany dress)

Have you ever heard this phrase? Yes, it’s from the Quintana Roo anthem, without doubt the most important representative of our state, it represents everything we are as proud people of Quinana Roo and shows what it has and everything it has to give us

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